sábado, 11 de agosto de 2012

timor lorosae diário 11 ago2013


The Social Problem of Incest in Timor-Leste Latest Report records 49 minors victims

Posted: 10 Aug 2012 05:54 PM PDT

East Timor Legal News - 08 August 2012 - Source: The Dili Weekly 07/08/2012 - Written by Paulina Quintao - Data from the Judicial System Monitoring Program (JSMP) for the period of January 2010 to June 2012 revealed 49 cases of incest involving underage girls, with nine cases already in the courts. “The majority of the cases involve girls between the ages of 11 to 14, victims of sexual abuse by someone related to them and often someone they depend upon like a father, an uncle or older brother,” said Florinda Soriano, Women For Justice (WFJ) Coordinator, (01/08), at the launch of report on incest at the Dili Convention Centre, in Dili. JSMP has assisted 32 cases of incest through their Victim Support Services Unit (VSSU) with nine of them already heard by the courts, with most of those cases processed by the Office of the Prosecutor (Ministerio Publiku MP). JSMP through the WJU has monitored 18 cases during 2010 – 2012, with five of those cases ending up in court with the perpetrators handed jail terms between four and twelve years. This brings the total number of incest cases to 49 for that period. “Crimes of incest are not specifically mentioned in Timor-Leste’s Constitution, however children under the age of 14 are protected by Article 177 on Sexual Abuse, and Article 182 on Aggravated Assault,” said the WJU Coordinator. Article 18 in Timor-Leste’s Constitution states minors must have be protected, especially by their family, community and the State; and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which Timor-Leste ratified, state all children must be protected from any form of violence. The Secretary of State for the promotion of Equality, Idelta Maria Rodrigues said although Timor-Leste had ratified the Convention for the Rights of the Child, it had still not addressed the issue of incest. “We can’t just rely on the ratification, more research is needed and sometimes victims are left with nowhere to go because there are many relatives living at home, so it is not a safe place to be. This is one of the issues that must be addressed,” said SE Rodrigues. Madalena Guterres Correia Representing the National Commission for the Rights of the Child, said the 49 cases did not reflect the exact number of cases in the community, as most families decide not to prosecute due to shame and fear of stigma should cases be dragged through the courts. “It is our experience cases of incest are not brought to light, for those reasons, so KNDL will seek to collaborate with partners to raise community awareness, as advocacy is all we can do,” said the KNDL representative.


Posted: 10 Aug 2012 01:59 PM PDT

PNTL General Commander Longuinos Monteiro
Tempo Semanal - with photo - Saturday, 11 August 2012
PNTL buys PINDAD weapons and PNTL Intelligence Commander loses his semiautomatic assault rifle.
In a startling development almost entirely unknown to the public Tempo Semanal can report that PNTL have procured a number of high powered PM2 submachine guns from PT PINDAD Indonesia.
A senior PNTL officer informed Tempo Semanal that the PM2 submachine guns purchased from PT PINDAD were found to be faulty during a training session last Saturday. In the mean time Secretary of State Francisco Guterres said he has requested the presence of the relevant company responsible for the procurement of the weapons to answer for the poor quality of the quality of the PT PINDAD products. Guterres confessed he does not know which company was responsible for the importation of weapons for PNTL into Timor-Leste. He stated that Commander Longuinos Monteiro was responsible for this matter.
“I did approve some amount of money to buy 75 PM2 weapons. I entrusted to the PNTL commander who has knowledge in this regard. But there was some questions regarding the quality and sutibaility of these weapons. So we just brought in five unit for testing and these weapons appear of poor quality,” said Francisco Guterres, Secretary of State for Security. According to the packing list number 16/PL/DS/BD/VII/2012, dated July 24th 2012 PT.PINDAD (PERSERO) sent five units of sub machine gun cal. 9mm PM2-V1 to the PNTL (East Timor National Police). The Deputy Director of PT PINDAD signed the letter. Based on the reference order number 12000513 dated February 21th 2012.
On the same day the Directorate Weapon’s System signed of a packing list no. 15/PL/DS/P/BD/VII/2012 for 30 anti riot gun SAR-2. In a request letter to head of East Timor Custom on 30/07/2012 PNTL General Commander Longuinhos Monteiro demanded that the weapons be handed over to PNTL. There were four boxes arrived in Dili, Airport by Merparti Aero plane (MZ 8480) and is confirmed with manisfest which signed by Mr. Basilio de Araujo from PNTL and Mr. Aurelio A. Tilman from DAU on 31/07/2012. Speaking anonymously a senior customs officer told Tempo Semanal, “the items was not allowed to be check by the Customs Authorities and was released immediately so we do not know how many weapons were in fact imported into the country.” The customs officer further told Tempo Semanal, “the total numbers of weapons appear to be same as those declared on the paper but this PNTL officer act very suspiciously.”
When asked by Tempo Semanal a number of civil society actors seeking anonymity questioned why the PNTL needs such high powered weapons, in a country when the most common threats to public safety are domestic violence, occasional martial arts clashes involving sharp weapons such as machete. Certainly far below the needs for submachine guns.
This is hardly the community policing style that certain members of the Government have been calling for for some years.
Missing Gun In the mean time Timorese in Dili are preoccupied with the PNTL mismanagement of their weapons which causes some to be lost, stolen or even perhaps sold. Last night PNTL conducted road blocks and stop and search process in the heart Dili searching for a missing FNC semiautomatic assault rifles along with 60 rounds of 5.56mm ammunition. As reported yesterday, this weapon was lost or otherwise misplaced while in the possession of the Commander of PNTL (East Timor National Police) Intelligence Unit.
However, in answer to probing questions from the public Longuinos Monteiro PNTL commander has dismissed the case as not being a serious matter. However, Deputy Prime Minister Fernando Lasama has stated it is a most serious matter and demanded that the weapon be recovered immediately.
"I don't think it will give any negative impact to the state with one missing weapon," said Mr. Longuinhos after the meeting with President today. Yesterday the Secretary of State for Security urged that the case be investigated and that the PNTL Intelligence Commander be suspended. However at the time of writing the officer remains at work in his office at PNTL HQ in central Dili, despite COmmander Longuinos assuring media and public inquiries with statements that the officer has been suspended.


Posted: 10 Aug 2012 01:43 PM PDT

Lugo Sai Kordenador Estadu Ba Desizaun ONU Iha
Josefa Parada - Suara Timor Lorosae
DILI- Prezidente Republika Taur Matan Ruak , Membru Kintu Governu konstitusional, Falitil Forsa Defeza timor leste (F-FDTL), Policia Nasional Timor Leste (PNTL) no mos reprezentante Nasoens Unidas (ONU) Iha timor Leste realiza Ekontru Auto nivel hodi diskuti kona servisu UNMIT nian iha timor leste durante nee’e.
Ekontru Autonivel nee’e halao iha Salaun Prezidente Nicolao Lobato Aitarak laran , hodi koalia mandatu UNMIT nebe sei remata iha loron 31 fulan dezembru tinan nee’e no mos halo availasaun ba serivu UNMIT nian iha Timor Leste.
Remata Ekontru Vice Primeiru Ministru koordenador ba Asuntu Sosial Frenando Lasama De Araujo ba Jornalista Sesta (10/8) Iha palasaiu Prezidente hatete, ekontru Autonivel nebe halao hodi halo availasaun ba servisu nebe mak UNMIT halao iha timor leste durante nee’e.
“ Halo availasaun ba servisu UNIMT nian iha area direitu Umanus, boa governasaun kestaun seguransa no mos koalia kona ba fin madandu UNMIT nia misaun nebe sei ramata iha tinan 2012,” dehan La Sama.lay


Posted: 10 Aug 2012 01:31 PM PDT

Xefe departamentu emerjénsia, Américo dos Santos
Tempo Semanal
Jornalista Radio Rakambia tenke hala’o prosesu operasaun iha Hospital Nasional Guidu Valedares (HNGV). Tanba, hetan kanek grave iha parte kabun.
Loron sesta feira (10/8) madrugada iha área tasi ibun Faról besik edifísiu KAK, Leonitu Gonçalves ne’ebé durante ne’e, hala’o knaar nu’udar Jornalista Radio Rakambia hetan sona husi grupu deskoñesidu.
Tuir informasaun husi parte HNGV, aleinde Leonitu iha mós joven na’in rua mak hetan sona husi grupu deskoñesidu iha loron ne’ebé hanesan. Joven hira ne’e mak hanesan, Godinho Gonçalves ho idade 25 hela iha Ai-tarak laran no Clementino ho idade 20 hela iha Delta 3.
Xefe departamentu emerjénsia, Américo dos Santos hateten, vítima na’in tolu ne’e, hetan ona tratamentu módiku no vítima Godinho Gonçalves parte hospital haruka fila ba uma tanba hetan kanek kaman.
“Clementino ho Leonitu too agora sei iha hela hospital hodi hetan tratamentu médiku ne’ebé másimu tanba kanek ne’ebé sira afeta greve. Ha’u la hatene sira nia kanek ne’e, suku pontu hira. Tanba, doutór sira ne’ebé hala’o operasaun mak hatene.” dehan Xefe departamentu emerjénsia ba Online Tempo Semanál
Nune’e mós Diretór Radio Rakambia Eurico Pereira hateten, Leonitu jornalista husi Radio Rakambia hanesan reporter no presenter servisu kleur ona iha Radio Rakambia. Hahu horikalan hala’o servisu tama programa ohin dadeer saan.
Iha tuku lima ho balun nia koko atu hala’o ejarsisiu uitoan too iha área Faról besik edifísiu KAK nian oin hetan sona husi ema ne’ebé deskoñesidu husi parte nia kabun no agora daudauk nia iha hela Hospital Nasionaliza Guidu Valederes iha sala operasaun hodi hala’o tratamentu iha ne’ebá.
“Ami la hatene motivu saida mak reporter hetan asidente ida ne’e, too agora ha’u hanesan lideransa organizasaun sidauk hatene klaru kona ba kazu ne’e. Ne’e duni, ami integra ba polisia hodi hala’o investigasaun atu nune’e bele hetan autór ne’ebé ke hala’o violénsia hasoru jornalista Leonitu Gonçalves.” dehan Eurico
Aleinde ne’e, Alberto Carvalho Pereira nu’udar família husi vítima (Leonito) informa katak, kazu refere vítima rasik hato’o ona informasaun ba iha Polisia investigasaun.


Posted: 10 Aug 2012 01:13 PM PDT

Ekipa Treinamentu – Radio Liberdade
Radio, online – Vendedores fa’an sasan produtu lokal iha feira jardin Borgas, lamenta tebes ba negosiante estranjeiru husi Xina ne’ebe koinesidu ho naran ‘Jinjan’ ne’ebe domina iha nasaun ne’e hodi impede produtu lokal.
Kestaun ne’e hato’o husi vendedores husi Distritu Liquica, Maria da Costa Cabral ba radioliberdadedili online Kinta, (9/8) iha feira jardin Borgas/ Motael.
Aktividade feira ne’e, organiza husi kompanha Ramkamby group Lda, hetan lisensa husi Ministeiru Turismu Comercio e Industria (MTCI).
“Ami mai fa’an produtu lokal, atu hamrik metin liu husi kontribuisaun governu ho rajaun ita bele lao ba oin,”dehan Maria.
Maria hatutan, tane liman ba governu atu fo buat ruma, maibe nudar povu hamrik iha nia ain rasik, liu husi produtu lokal, ne’ebe promove ba fatin hotu-hotu.
Vendedores Distritu Luquica ne’e, fa’an produtuk lokal mak hanesan, kartera, pasta, assesories, selenda, tais kiik bo’ot raga, froinhas no kalbaka. Produtu hirak ne’e halo husi akadiru, kabas, no edan tahan.
Feira loke durante loron tolu ona, vendedores ne’e hetan osan kuaze U$350.
Vendedores ne’e salienta liutan wainhira remata tiha feira ne’e, produtu lokal sei lori fila fali ba distritu. Husu ba governu labele hatama ema estranjeiru mai fa’an sasan iha nasaun ne’e, ne’ebe sei hamate produtu lokal.
Maria lamenta ba fatin feira ne’e, tamba kondisaun ladun sufsiente hanesan susar ba be’e mos no sintina la iha.
Iha fatin hanesan Ana Rosa da Silva hanesan vendedores fa’an ai funan, husi Pantai Kelapa nia mos lamenta ho kondisaun feira ida ne’e. ne’ebe la favorese iha ne’e kona ba falta be mos ho sentina iha fatin feira ne’e.
“Hau husu ba governu sira atu hakat mai iha fatin ne’e atu bele sosa hau nia produto,"nia espera.
Maria hari’i grupo ida iha maubara 14/4/2000 hamutuk ho feto maluk nain lima (5), hodi promove tan feto maluk sira seluk hamutuk ha’at nulu resin lima (45), Grupo ne’e hamri’ik to’o ohin loron.


Posted: 10 Aug 2012 01:07 PM PDT

Ekipa Treinamentu – Radio Liberdade
Radio, online - Konsumidore sira lamenta ho fatin feira nebe’e organiza husi Ramkamby Group Lda, iha Jardin Francisco Borja, Farol, Dili.
Estudante ida ho naran Filomina Sandra Monis nudar vizitante ba feira refere hateten, nia sente triste ho kondisaun fatin feira ne’ebé tamba nakonu ho foer.
“Kodisaun fatin nebe’e foer bele fo impaktu ba saúde konsumidore sira ne’ebé mai vizita iha fatin ne’e no vendedores nebe’e faan sasan iha fatin feira ne’e, ” Sandra hateten.
Nia hatutan katak kondisaun fatin feira ne’e mós ladun furak atu atrai vizitante sira rai laran no mos vizitante husi rai liur.
“Ha’u kontenti atu visita feira ne’e, maibe ha’u mos lamenta ho presu sasan ne’ebé as ho kualidade ne’ebé ladun di’ak”
Iha sorin seluk, Sra. Noi mos hateten sasan hanesan ai-moruk tradisionál, livrinu ou katezismu no tersu nia presu ne’ebé baratu.
“Sasan balu hanesan pasta no ropa nia presu karun liu maibe nia qualidade la dun diak, nia hateten.
Tuir observasaun jornalista Radio Liberdade, Kondisaun fatin ne’e la merese atu uza hodi realiza feira refere.
Feira ida ne’e realiza no organiza husi Kompainia Rankambia Group husi loron 9/8 to’o iha loron 12/8, 2012.


Posted: 10 Aug 2012 11:02 AM PDT

Jornal Independente - Sexta-feira, 10 de agosto de 2012 - Tradução de TIMOR RAI MURAK
Desconfia-se que perdeu-se uma arma da Polícia Nacional de Timor-Leste (PNTL) num local de prostituição, no passado dia 30 julho.
O lugar da prostituição é na direção da Praia dos Coqueiros, em Díli, num restaurante que também exerce esta atividade ilegal.
De acordo com fontes credíveis da instituição PNTL, elas disseram ontem ao Independente que, uma arma do tipo FNC perdeu-se durante uma visita que um comandante da PNTL fez a este local de prostituição, as mesmas fontes ainda não sabem qual foi o objetivo desta visita, porque ainda não foi feita uma investigação profunda.
Por sua vez, o secretário de Estado da Segurança, Francisco Guterres, reconheceu que uma arma da PNTL está mesmo perdida, e que ele já pediu ao comando-geral da PNTL para suspender imediatamente quem fez perder esta arma, para deste modo poder realizar-se um processo de investigação.
Guterres ontem já recebeu também o relatório, mas ele ainda não o leu, e por isso ele pede à população para não entrar em pânico, continuem em paz e a levarem as suas vidas como sempre.
Ele prometeu também que ele vai recuperar a arma através de uma investigação que já começou.


Posted: 10 Aug 2012 10:59 AM PDT

Jornal Independente - Quinta-feira, 09 de agosto de 2012 - Tradução de TIMOR RAI MURAK
O Presidente da República, Taur Matan Ruak, disse que as infraestruturas feitas pelo governo são frágeis e que não têm qualidade, comparadas com as infraestruturas do antigo governo indonésio.
Para além disso, o Presidente questiona também a alocação do orçamento, que foi concentrado apenas em Díli e não há um balanço com o povo nas comunidades rurais.
Apesar de Taur saber disso, o Chefe de Estado dá na mesma a sua confiança aos membros do V Governo Constitucional, que receberam posse para trabalharem melhor para servir o povo e esta nação.
Por este motivo o Presidente da República, Taur Matan Ruak, apelou ao V Governo Constitucional para trabalhar melhor para resolver todas as áreas vulneráveis, que durante dez anos não conseguiram resolver para beneficiar a vida do povo pobre.
Taur Matan Ruak identificou também os problemas que Timor Leste ainda não conseguiu resolver bem, a legitimidade política, situação da defesa e segurança, questão da justiça, desenvolvimento económico e a prestação do funcionalismo do Estado.


Posted: 10 Aug 2012 08:02 AM PDT

Liu husi komferensia da impreza ida ne’e, ami manifesta solidaridade ba Sra. Maria Domingas Fernandes Alves ne’ebe sai vitima ba desizaun la justo husi lideransa Nasaun ne’e ninian hanesan Presidente da Republika no Premeiru Ministru indijitadu uza sira nia autoridade nakonu ho ipokrizia no desakridita ami nia feto maluk ida ninia kapasidade no laiha razaun ida fundamentada.
Sr. Xanana Gusmao hanesan Premeiru Ministru ba IV Governu RDTL hatene no konhese no hatene besik liu se maka Sra. Maria Domingas Fernandes Alves. Ema ida ne’ebe Sr. Xanana Gusmao uza iha tempu difisil ba poizisaun hanesan Ministra Social Solidaridade hodi resolve situasaun ingrata ida ne’ebe arkitetu invisivel sira dezenha hodi hanaran krisi 2006. Ho intensaun atu hatun Lideransa Fretilin nian liu-liu atinzi pesoas Dr. Mari Alkatiri, nudar sec. Geral FRETILIN nian. Krizi ida ne’ebe ita hotu hatene resulta konsekuensia dezastroza ba Povo Maubere nia oan hodi Fahe Povo ida ne’e ba Lorosa’e no Loromonu no koloka Estadu RDTL iha Marjen Frajilidade.
Ministru AMP barak labrani atu simu Pasta ida ne’e so Sra. Maria Domingas Fernandes Alves maka ho nacionalismo forte hodi simu insultu oioin atu bele supera no resolve problema IPDs, Veteranus no problema social barak-barak nebe atinji Estadu Timor Leste no ohin loron CNRT bele hetan Vitoria no sai vensedor iha elisaun 2012.
Ami husu ba Presidente Republik no sr. Xanana Gusmao, Premeiru Ministru atu klarifika diferensa Sra.Maria Domingas Fernandes Alves ho ema balu nebe nunka hakarak indepedensia iha Rai ida ne’e. Tamba Razaun saida:
Tamba Nia Feto. maka mane sira labele fo kontinensia? Ne’e hatudu retrosesu boot ida ba demokrasia no mos hamate Igualidade jeneru nebe atur iha ita nia konstituisaun RDTL artigu 16, 17 no 63 no konvensaun CEDAW.
Ka tamba resentimentu pesoal ema balu nian ka interese seluk maka hodi hatun feto maluk ida ne’e nia personalidade hodi hamate prestizio no valor Feto Timor-Leste nian hanesan Sra. Maria Domingas Fernandes Alves, ema ida ne’ebe kontribui maka’as ba luta ida ne’e ho korajen no abnegasaun.
Se tamba veteranismo Sra. Maria Domingas Fernandes Alves nia mos veterana ida duni e ami mos kestiaona ema hirak ne’ebe lakohi ukun an bele lidera Ministeriu no sai Sec. Estadu ba fatin xave barak. Ami husu mos ba Presidente da Republika hodi esklarese ho razaun saida no sasukat saida maka Presidente Republika hatete katak Sra. Maria Domingas Fernandes Alves laiha Abilidade? (Jornal timor post) Ami apela ba nain ulun sira ne’ebe senti an hanesan Unicos Herois, atu bainhira foti desizaun foti ho neon malirin hanesan ema politiku idoneu labele uza imi nia poder no arogansia hodi umilha ema seluk, liu-liu feto ida ninia dignidade.
Tamba Nasaun Timor-Leste sai independente ho partisipasaun Feto no mane iha Frente hotu-hotu: Frente Armada, Frente Kladestina no frente Diplomatika.
Atu hare ba sasukat Frente Kladestina totalmente blokiado hetan liu presaun politika Militar duke Frente sira seluk. Atu hskotu ami feto dadur, resistencia clandestina no Gerasaun foun husu ba secretaria do estad o Promosaun de Igualidade Sra. Idelta M. R, atu hola provedencia ruma tamba ita boot maka nudar responsavel ba promosaun feto iha vida politika iha Nasaun Timor Leste. Dili,10 de Agusto 20012


Posted: 10 Aug 2012 04:44 AM PDT

Sapo TL - 10 de Agosto de 2012, 15:07
A menos de um mês do inicio do Tour de Timor, o Chefe do Gabinete da Presidência, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães, deu a conhecer ontem, em conferência de imprensa, os atletas timorenses que irão participar numa das corridas de bicicletas mais desafiantes do continente asiático.
“É com enorme satisfação que vejo a participação de atletas locais no Tour deste ano. No total serão 83 timorenses, 71 homens e 12 mulheres,” informa Fidelis.
“A PNTL e a F-FDTL também irão participar com 5 equipas e este ano a organização permitiu a participação de uma equipa sub-18, constituída por seis ciclistas. É notório o envolvimento dos jovens timorenses nesta modalidade e o Tour serve como oportunidade para descoberta de novos talentos. Desejo a todos boa sorte e que continuem a treinar arduamente para a corrida.”
De acordo com comunicado de imprensa, Fidelis Magalhães realça ainda a importância do Estado em apoiar este tipo de eventos desportivos.
A quarta edição doTour de Timor irá decorrer entre os dias 10 e 15 de Setembro e contará com cerca de 380 ciclistas.
- Consulte a página TOUR DE TIMOR

FRETILIN - Sosiedade Sivil Kestiaona kapasidade Meza Parlamentu

Posted: 10 Aug 2012 04:38 AM PDT

Jornal Nacional Diario - Sesta-Feira, 10 Agustu 2012
“Povu Hein Maran, Semana Ida Seidauk Iha Plenaria”
Hafoin deputadu III Lejislatura simu pose iha 30 Jullu iha uma fukun Parlamentu, to’o agora semana ida ona Povu hein maran, tamba to’o agora la hala’o atividade plenaria hodi deskute povu nia moris.
Ho nuansa ne’ebe la’o iha uma fukun povu nian ne’e, Bancada Opozisaun FRETILIN senti triste no kestiaona maka’as kapasidade meza nian atu lidera plenaria, tanba povu iha baze hein hela sira nia direitu ne’ebe politiku nain sira promete iha tempu kampania.
Atu garante povu nia moris diak, deputadu sira tenki servisu maka’as, tanba sira tur reprejenta povu ne’ebe atu koalia konaba povu nia moris, no aspirasaun, maibe semana ida ne’e nis laran, deputadu sira sei tuur nonok hela.
Ba kestaun ne’e, Deputadu Estanislau da Silva hateten, senti trsite haree situasaun hanesan ne’e mosu iha parlamentu nasional (PN), tanba agora laos ona tempo halimar ho povu nia vida hodi haree-an no familia de’it.
“Hau lahatene, tamba saida mak meza laprepara ajenda atu deskuti, hau haree lei barak hela presiza atu prioridade ba lei sira ne’e, ital abele halimar ho povu nia vida,” dehan deputadu Estanislau ba JNDiorio foin lalais ne’e iha uma fukun PN.
Tuir nia, Parlamentu Nasional ni funsaun tolu importante mak tenki hala’o, Produz lei, hasai desizaun politika no halo fiskalizasaun ba ezekusaun orsamentu, maibe todan liu mak nka’ar salva guarda povu nia osan ne’ebe tinan-tinan aprova ba GOvernu atu ezekuta ba dezenvolvimentu.
Iha parte seluk, Sosieade sivil hanesan Asosiasaun HAK lamenta tebes ba servisu PN nian ne’ebe laiha vontade diak atu hala’o ajenda hodi debate issue ne’ebe mosu iha rai laran, sira halo povu hein maran hela ba sira nia direitu, tamba politiku nain sira mak promete iha tempu kampania liu ba.
Diretur Asosiasaun HAK Rogerio Viegas Vicente mos dehan, senti triste, tanba hare Parlamentu Nasional la funsiona ho diak maske foin mak tomada de posse.
“Hau senti trsite tamba husik hela povu hein maran ba nia direitu, liu-liu ba rai ne’ebe to’o agora sei kontinua mosu problema,” dehan nia.
Ho ida ne’e, Rogerio Viegas dehan, duke halimar, diak liu Parlamentu debate ona lei rai, lei reparasaun vitima sira, tanba lei ne’e importante.


Posted: 10 Aug 2012 04:31 AM PDT

Jornal Nacional Diario - Sesta-Feira, 10 Agustu 2012
Reprejetante povu iha uma fukun parlamentu Nasional husi Bancada Opozisaun FRETILIN konsidera, V Governu konstitusional ne’e hanesan Governu maun alin nian de’it, tanba involvimentu maun alin mak barak hodi assume pasta Ministru, Ministra no Sekretariu estadu sira.
Deputadu Bancada FRETILIN Estanislau da Silva hateten, maske iha Timor-Leste, iha Rekursu humanu barak, maibe la fo oportunidade ba seluk atu dezenvolve nasaun ida ne’e.
“Hanesan Timoroan ida, hatudu katak parese iha ita nia rai ne’e laiha tan ema seluk iha ne’e, maun alin sira botuk ne’e, Governu de irmaos, hau admiradu teb-tebes tanba uluk katuas Mari kuandu iha governu ema barak kritika dehan katak, ne’e Governu maluk nian deit, Governu Mari Alkatiri ho ninia maluk sira deit mas agora ita haree katak, maun alin mak nakonu iha laran ne’ebe ita Timor oan seluk laiha ona, knsertezake ne’e kompetensia primeiru Ministru indijitadu nian maibe hanesan Timor oan seluk laiha ona, tanba ida ne’e mak tau deit maun alin iha laran ne’eba,” dehan Deputadu Estanislau da Silva ba Jornal Nacional Diario iha uma fukun Parlamentu Nasional, Tersa foin lalais ne’e.
Ba kestaun ne’e, Cefe bancada CNRT deputadu Natalino dos Santos hateten katak, lei la taka dalan no ne’e kompetensia husi Primeiru Ministru Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao hanesan Prezidenti partidu CNRT no mos assume pasta hanesan Primeiru Ministru iha kompetensia indijitadu atu eskoila Timor oan ne’ebe iha kapasidade no atinji Governu nia planu ne’ebe planeadu tiha ona.


Posted: 10 Aug 2012 03:56 AM PDT

Jornal Timor Post - Sesta-Feira, 10 Agustu 2012
Sekretariu Jeral Partidu FRETILIN, Mari alkatiri hateten, razaun nia la marka prezensa iha serimonia toma pose ba membru Kintu (V) Governu Konstitusional tanba iha asuntu ba interese nasional seluk ne’ebe importante liu ne’ebe presiza halo.
“Hau la marka prezensa iha serimonia toma pose ne’e la’os kestaun boot ida, tanba FRETILIN delega ona ninia reprejetante hodi partisipa iha serimonia ne’e,” Alkatiri tenik ba Timor Post liu husi via telefone, kinta (9/8).
Eis titular ne’e mos espera katak, membru Kintu (V) Governu hamutuk 55 ne’e bele halo duni sira nia servisu tuir politika Governu nian atu fo atensaun liu-liu interese nasional povu nian.


Posted: 10 Aug 2012 03:50 AM PDT

Jornal Nacional Diario - Sesta-Feira, 10 Agustu 2012
Mandatu Misaun Integradu Nasoens Unidas (UNMIT) nebe sei remata iha Dezembru mai ne’e, Prezidenti da Republika Taur Matan Ruak, Sesta (10/8) sei konvoka enkontru alto nivel ne’ebe involve mos parte UNMIT nian depois de post UNMIT.
Aliende diskuti mandatu UNMIT nia ne’e, reuniaun alto Nivel ne’e mos koalia konaba vizita Sekretariu Geral Nasoens Unidas, Ban Ki-Moon ne’ebe sei vizita Timor Leste fulan Agustu ne’e.
Enkontru alto nivel sei lidera husi Prezidenti Republika, Taur Matan Ruak, sei partisipa husi Primeiru Ministru xanana Gusmao, Vise Primeiru Ministru Fernando La Sama de Araujo, Prezidenti parlamentu Nasional, Vicente Guterres, Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru Jose Luis Guterres no Sekretariu Estadu Seguransa Francisco Guterres.
Nune’e mos, Preparasaun ba enkontru alto nivel ne’e, kinta (9/8) Primeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmao hasoru malu ho Prezidenti da Republika, Taur Matan Ruak iha Palacio Presidensial, Aitarak laran, Dili.
Hafoin enkontru, Primeiru Ministru xanana Gusmao dehan, enkontru ho Prezidenti da Republika ne’e atu haree Vindas Sekretariu Jeral ONU ne’ebe mak sei hala’o aktividade barak duran loron rua iha Timor Leste, sei mai iha 15 no fila iha 16 fulan ne’e.
Tuir ajenda ne’ebe JNDiario hetan, iha loron 15 Sekretariu Jeral ho nia delegasaun to’o iha aeroportu Comoro tuku 10:40 Otl, tuir mai deskansa iha Hotel Timor no kontinua enkontru ho Senor manajementu UNMIT iha Hotel Timor, depois ne’e ba hasoru ho Prezidenti da Republika, Taur Matan Ruak.
Ban Ki-Moon mos sei partisipa hodi loke exibisaun fotografia UNMIT iha Museu resistensia, kontinua sorumutu ho parlamentu Nasional ho diskursu, atende mos akrdu New Deal frajilimentu asistementu ba servisu hamutuk, no sei hala’o palestra iha UNTL konaba edukasaun diak ba konstrusaun estadu, sei vizita mos eskola distritu Liquisa, kasait, halao intervista ho RTTL-EP, depois fila no husik hela Timor Leste.


Posted: 10 Aug 2012 03:43 AM PDT

Jornal Independente - Sesta-Feira, 10 Agustu 2012
Sekretariu Jeral Organizasaun Nasoens Unidas (ONU) Banki Moon Sei hala’o vizita mai Timor-Leste hodi deskute kona ba mandatu ONU ne’ebe sei remata iha fulan dezembru tinan 2012.
Sekretariu Jeran ONU sei hala’o nia vizita iha loron 15 fulan-Agusto tinan ida ne’e.
Prezidenti Republika Taur Matan Ruak dehan, iha asuntu rua importante maka sei deskute, Primeiru Misaun ONU ne’ebe besik remata ona, no misaun foun ONU ne’ebe mak sei kontinua iha Timor-Leste.
“Timor-Leste tenki preparadu iha linguazen ida de’it, hanoin ida de’it, bele espera ita nia vontade atu kontinua halo relasaun diak ho internasional atraves misaun ONU iha tinan lima mai,” dehan Prezidenti Taur iha Palasiu Nobre Lahane, Dili, Kurta foin lalais ne’e.
Forsa Stabilizasaun Australia (ISF) ninian mos sei remata iha tinan ne’e, tanba ne’e hodi estadu no povu Timor Leste nia naran agradese Australia ba apoiu sira durante ne’e.
Timor-Leste mos tenki kontinua kria relasaun amizade ho nasaun Indonezia hodi hametin paz no estabilidade atu bele dezenvolve ita nia rain.
Entertantu, Parimeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmao dehan, Povu Timor-Leste sei asiste misaun UNMIT ne’ebe mak sei retira iha tinan ida ne’e, tanba ne’e, Xanana dehan, tempu ona Timor-Leste lao mesak no hamrik iha nia ain rasik nuudar nasaun ne’ebe komunga estadu de dereitu demokratiku.


Posted: 10 Aug 2012 02:50 AM PDT

O ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros, José Luís Guterres disse não haver problema nenhum se no futuro o país integrar a ASEAN, avança o jornal Suara Timor Lorosa’e.
“Se no futuro Timor-Leste fizer parte da organização ASEAN, não haverá problema nenhum. Isto significa que o nosso povo está preparado para competir a nivel internacional. Desde o primeiro Governo Constitucional que já foi feita muita coisa. Um dos objectivos seria a retirada da Nações Unidas e das forças internacionais de Timor-Leste”, afirmou.
SAPO TL com Suara Timor Lorosae

Hospital Guido Valadares com problemas crónicos de diarreia entre os pacientes

Posted: 10 Aug 2012 02:38 AM PDT

De acordo com chefe do Departamento do Banco de Emergência do Hospital Nacional Guido Valadares (HNGV), Américo dos Santos, a doença dominante na referida instituição é diarreia, informa CJITL.
“Neste momento a doença dominante no Hospital Guido Valadares é diarreia. As crianças com menos de cinco anos são as mais afectadas”, informa.
Segundo Américo esta surto de diarreia é causada pelas condições climatéricas. “No hospital fazemos um bom atendimento, de modo a satisfazer as necessidades do pacientes. Diariamente tentamos melhorar os nossos equipamentos assim como os recursos humanos” fazer o melhoramento aos equipamentos e recursos humanos existentes”, acrescenta.


Posted: 10 Aug 2012 02:20 AM PDT

Tomas Cabral
Jornal Independente - Sesta-Feira, 10 Agustu 2012
Partidu FRETILIN kestiaona maka’as Diretor Sekretariadu Tekniku Administrasaun Eleitoral (STAE), Tomas Cabral, iha estrutura kintu Governu Konstitusional, envolvimentu ne’e, konsidera eleisaun Jeral foin lalais ne’e la imparsial.
Deputadu Bancada FRETILIN, Inacio Moreira hateten, envolvimentu Diretor jeral STAE iha membru governu hatudu katak, durante ne’e STAE laiha imparsialidade tuir lei haruka.
“Diretur STAE husi partidu CNRT ne’ebe sai sekretariu Estadu iha kintu Governu ne’e,” dehan nia iha uma fukun PN (9/8).
Nia la fiar katak, Tomas Cabral ema independente, durante sei kaer pasta hanesan Diretor STAE, tanba se nia ema independenti duni, nia labele adere ba partidu politiku ruma ou nia Tomas rejeita tama iha strutura membru Governu ruma.
Haree ba laiha imparsialidade no independensia servisu STAE nian, oras ne’e dadaun partidu FRETILIN haruka ona keiza lubuk ida ba Tribunal Rekursu.
Nune’e FRETILIN mos sei halo anunsia ba publiku kona ba pozisaun Diretor Jeral STAE durante eleisaun bainhira governu foun ne’e simu on pose.
Ba kestaun ne’e, Xefe Bancada CNRT, Deputadu natalino dos santos hateten, desizaun nomeia Diretor STAE ba Sekretariu Estadu ne’e, kompetensia Primeiru Ministru indijitadu xanana Gusmao, ne’ebe fihir Timor oan ne’ebe iha kapasidade hodi sai membru governu.


Posted: 10 Aug 2012 02:12 AM PDT

Jornal Independente - Sesta-Feira, 10 Agustu 2012
Deskonfia kilta Polisia nasional Timor Leste (PNTL) ida lakon iha fatin protistuisaun, iha loron 30 Jullu 2012.
Fatin protistuisaun ne’e iha dirasaun pantai kelapa, Dili, ne’ebe eziste nuudar restaurante ida maibe halo mos atividade illegal.
Tuir fontes kredivel husi instituisaun PNTL ba INDEPENDENTE horsehik katak, kilat ho tipu FNC ne’e lakon bainhira komandante PNTL ida halo vizita ba fatin protistuisaun, fontes ne’e mos seidauk bele hateten klaru objetivu husi vizita ne’e, tanba rajaun, investigasaun profundu seidauk deklara.
Iha fatin ketak, Sekretariu Estadu Seguransa Francisco Guterres rekoinese kilat PNTL ida lakon duni, nia parte husu ona ba komando jeral PNTL hodi suspende kedas autor alakon kilat ne’e, atu bele tuir prosesu investigasaun.
Guterres mos simu tiha ona relatoriu horsehik, maibe nia rasik seidauk lee, tanba ne’e, nia husu ba populasaun sira labele paniku, no kontinua hakmatek hodi hala’o hanesan aktividade bai-bain.
Nia mos promete katak, sei foti fali kilat ne’ebe lakon liu husi prosesu investigasaun ne’ebe halao ona.


Posted: 10 Aug 2012 02:06 AM PDT

Jornal Independente - Sesta-Feira, 10 Agustu 2012
Bankada FRETILIN iha uma fukun Parlamentu Nasional konsidera terseira lejislatura lakon nia kredibilidade, tanba laiha servisu ne’ebe efetivu.
Hafoin deputadu foun sira simu pose iha semana kotuk, to’o agora parlamentu Nasional seidauk hala’o sesaun plenaria ruma hodi deskute no atende lei balun ne’ebe konsidera importante.
Vice Prezidenti Bancada FRETILIN iha PN Deputadu Francisco Branco hateten, terseira lejislatura lakon nia kredibilidade, tanba loloos PN halo ona sesaun plenaria ruma.
Nia hatutan, hafoin tomada de posse husi deputadu foun, iha oras 24 hodi hili Presidenti PN ho nia estrutura tomak, tuir kedas ajenda importante hodi deskute iha plenaria.
“Kestaun mak kredibilidade uma fukun ne’e, ema barak la dun fiar ona, presiza tebes lejislatura ne’e rekopera fila-fali kredibilidade uma fukun ida ne’e,” deklara Branco, iha uma fukun PN (9/8).
Deputadu FRETILIN ne’e mos hatutan tan katak, uma fukun povu nian ne’e atu iha kredibilidade diak bainhira hahu tomada de posse, lao tuir ona regra rejimentu no esperitu demokratiku.
Entertantu, Sekretariu Meza PN, Maria fernanda Lay hateten, oras ne’e dadaun, Prezidenti PN ho reprezetante Bancada tomak diskute hela estabelesementu komisaun espesializasauntamba ne’e mak plenaria seidauk bele hahu.


Posted: 10 Aug 2012 01:54 AM PDT

Notable quotes:
"Yet as we look around us and analyze the situation of the country, what do we see? We see very low levels of income, a fragile economic fabric, high external dependence, low levels of infrastructure, unbalanced regional development, with unruly urban growth and large differences among cities and with rural areas, low levels of wellbeing, a weak administrative structure and low technical and scientific development."
"Our schools operate with almost no equipment and teachers on their own in villages and parishes across the country have almost no textbooks and other teaching materials. Technical and vocational education covers a small percentage of students well below the needs of future economic development."
"The country’s agricultural production is poor and farmers lack resources to transport agricultural and livestock production to market. Agricultural surpluses, whenever they exist, often deteriorate and rot for lack of proper storage conditions."
"State institutions contribute to the unbalanced development of the territory. Our centralized public administration has large, heavy structures in the capital, often providing poor quality services, and is almost absent from the districts where most of the population lives and social and economic deprivation is greatest. The state is not serving the vast majority of the Timorese people as yet."
Full text of speech below:
Your Excellency Prime Minister. Excellencies.
Beloved people of Timor-Leste
The swearing in of the 5th Constitutional Government of Timor-Leste is a matter of great satisfaction as the process of its appointment and inauguration highlights the functioning of our democratic system and the respect for our Constitution.
The elections we held with high turn out of voters in 2012 show a stable political system and a functioning democracy. Once again, our people chose the path of stability and peace.
I hail the Nation’s commitment to stability, including of the leaders and political parties in the majority and the opposition camps.
The legislative election consolidated the support of larger political parties, strengthened the number of their members in parliament and reinforced conditions for governance.
I welcome the new President of the National Parliament and all Members elected to the 3rd Legislature of the parties that support the 5th Constitutional Government and the benches of the opposition: democracy needs a knowledgeable opposition to assist the National Parliament in fulfilling its function of monitoring the government‘s activity.
Prime Minister,
Your government and the majority supporting it can afford the cohesion, strength and stability needed to move forward and building with no hesitation a more secure, prosperous and confident Nation and positively respond to the people’s longing for social justice and a better life.
In the ten years since the restoration of independence we took important steps in the path to stability and peace. Independence brought into our society tolerance and dialogue, reduced violence and paved the way for national reconciliation.
With enhanced social and political stability came high annual rates of economic growth averaging 10 percent or higher since 2007. Confidence of both economic operators and Timorese families increased.
The 4th Constitutional Government started to respond to some immediate challenges, supporting the income of vulnerable social groups, launching a number of infrastructure projects and somewhat reducing the want of the more vulnerable in our society.
Yet, ten years on, poverty continues to be our greatest challenge.
To build the country we dream of we have ahead of us battles so hard and stringent as the battles we have had in the past.
The perception the world has of our country is dominated by the impressions of poverty and state fragility. The international community selects five criteria for fragility: political legitimacy, situation of the defense and security forces, the justice system, economic development and delivery of public services, ie the quality of the Administration.
No one disputes that in the last ten years we have made significant progress.
Yet as we look around us and analyze the situation of the country, what do we see?
We see very low levels of income, a fragile economic fabric, high external dependence, low levels of infrastructure, unbalanced regional development, with unruly urban growth and large differences among cities and with rural areas, low levels of wellbeing, a weak administrative structure and low technical and scientific development.
Our schools operate with almost no equipment and teachers on their own in villages and parishes across the country have almost no textbooks and other teaching materials. Technical and vocational education covers a small percentage of students well below the needs of future economic development.
The country’s agricultural production is poor and farmers lack resources to transport agricultural and livestock production to market. Agricultural surpluses, whenever they exist, often deteriorate and rot for lack of proper storage conditions.
State institutions contribute to the unbalanced development of the territory. Our centralized public administration has large, heavy structures in the capital, often providing poor quality services, and is almost absent from the districts where most of the population lives and social and economic deprivation is greatest. The state is not serving the vast majority of the Timorese people as yet.
During the liberation struggle we had no state, no freedom, but the Timorese were participant, mobilized as citizens and involved in building the future.
Today, we live in freedom, we built a state but I do not feel the people involved in shaping the future.
Without commitment from the people the state cannot fully achieve the goals we set for our collective future.
We must transform the passivity of the population in the face of difficulties that continue to pass into a commitment to action in building the country we all aspire to and will bequeath to our children. The voice of the people shall not be heard only at voting time.
The state has to decentralize its structure bringing public services closer to the people in every district – school management support, agricultural extension services for technical support, improved health and justice services, social security, support of a storage and conservation network of agricultural production, among others.
The production of our farmers is a national wealth. The state has to promote and facilitate the organization of conservation and marketing systems for land and fishing production, which will increase its value, farmers’ incomes and the country’s food security.
The state has plans for major investments in a development pole in the South Coast, centered on a cluster to kick start a national oil industry.
More development poles are necessary elsewhere in the country to stimulate regional economic growth and employment and promote non-oil productive sectors.
Many existing infrastructures such as roads, irrigation networks among others date from the time of the occupation and are badly deteriorated. Maintenance services are of poor quality or non-existent in many parts of the country. We must move decisively into the construction of national infrastructure investing in high quality public works and in professionalism and thoroughness of their management.
The mobilization of the population has also been absent from nation building.
Our youth are not engaged in the development process. We must commit them to take new responsibilities in building the country and integrate them in the economic activity.
Conditions for the social inclusion of our Veterans and in the development process must be improved and enhanced so that society benefits fully from their contribution in times of peace as in the past benefited from their sacrifice.
Our elderly, widows and orphans need a better social security net to help them achieving a more dignified life.
At present our country and economy is too dependent from outside. We have to value more the work of our producers and people – farmers, other workers and entrepreneurs – and promote wealth-creating sectors beyond petroleum.
Taking full advantage of national resources and developing a coherent and sustainable economic system are national priorities.
There is an extensive legislative work to be accomplished of which I will just mention the legislation on Land and Property as a mere example given its importance to the launching of a comprehensive dynamic private sector capable of attracting investments and jobs.
Last but not the least, the country has to deepen social policies for the promotion of women, ensuring equal opportunities based on merit and competence.
Prime Minister. Excellencies.
Timor-Leste has been building a good regional and international integration. Soon we will be faced with new challenges that we must respond in a positive manner.
The mandate of the current United Nations mission in Timor-Leste ends in December. Next week Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon is set to give the people of Timor-Leste the honor of visiting us. We have to clearly define what Timor-Leste needs from the United Nations and the UN mission model to be installed after the departure of UNMIT.
We have been building good-neighborly and friendly relations with countries closer, Indonesia and Australia. We have very diversified bilateral relations with both from close military cooperation with Australia to strong cooperation with Indonesia on border security, which has deepen trade and family ties across the border with benefit for people on both sides. The solution of the last remaining problems shall help accelerate diversification and deepening of cooperation with our neighbors.
The Conference of Heads of State and Government of the CPLP meeting in Maputo last month conferred to Timor-Leste the responsibility of chairing the community of Portuguese speaking countries in the 2014-16 biennium. We will therefore receive in Díli in July 2014 the Heads of State of the CPLP.
Creating the infrastructure and organization for a dignified, successful presidency of the CPLP is a major challenge that we are elated to take on. Preparations must start immediately to make the hosting of the Summit of Heads of State in 2014 and the Timorese presidency of CPLP a memorable success – for us, Timorese, and the guests we are going to welcome.
Also in Maputo CPLP began a process of cooperation between member states for food security and against malnutrition. This grave problem is also a priority for Timor-Leste. Our country must be proactive and intent in participating in this new area of multilateral cooperation with our CPLP brothers.
We will continue to develop our relations with all countries in our region in ASEAN and Asia at large and to deepen our responsibilities in ongoing multilateral processes on regional security in close cooperation with Indonesia, Australia and other countries .
In preparation for accession to ASEAN we must deepen the assessment and rigorous survey of the implications of accession in the light of national interest. This should be done as quickly as possible.
Excellencies. Beloved people of Timor-Leste.
The path before us is one of hard work on all fronts. The nation continues to require from us all commitment, steadfastness and sacrifice.
The President is available to work in cooperation with the government and other organs of sovereignty for the solution of the structural problems of our country and to help mobilizing civil society and its organizations. Involvement and commitment from civil society are essential to further the national project.
Beloved people of Timor-Leste
Let’s work together to remove Timor-Leste from all lists of fragile states, poor countries and the like that conceal the true determined, strong and enterprising nature of our people and our collective will.
Let’s work together to win the battles of our development. It is within our grasp to ensure a positive future of hope, change and wellbeing.
Together we will make Timor-Leste stronger, richer and safer.

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